Capturing the Funny in My World.

There have been far too many great moments in my life not to share. And funny things said to not look back on and reflect. This is my chance to do so.

Take Your Pick

Fam Quotes

Ridiculous quotes from my family and thoughts on what they mean to me.

Short Stories

Once upon a time I experienced some craziness. Step into my world.


High school, crushes, keg parties and parents. That’s That Jaxon Wright Life.

About Me

I was born and raised in the North Texas suburbs while also spending lots of time with my mom’s side in the country of North Carolina. My childhood was spent outside with friends being as loud and dare-devilish as possible.

In my teens and early twenties I developed a taste for all things that allowed me to be front and center whenever possible. Video production, photgraphy, moving to New York City as a vocalist in a band, whatver it took to make my voice heard and my vision seen.

For some reason I started writing this stuff down, then I started organizing it. Next thing you know, it just made sense to put all somewhere. That somewhere is here.

These days, I spend my time raising a wonderful family in Maryland, and try to write down all the craziness we say.


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